Swamiji has always told that the entire building of spirituality is based on one single word - 'Adhikrut', which means authorised. There are multiple unauthorised Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Telegram channels out there, sharing the content of Gurutattva and even monetizing it. We know that the intention of Sadhak is good but creating such pages and channels actually worsen the situation. If you are handling such Facebook, Instagram page or YouTube channel, we humbly request you to delete it. We don't want to hit copyright strikes because we know that our Sadhaks will understand and shut these channels on their own. If you want to help Gurutattva, share the posts of Gurutattva and watch content from the official channel of Gurutattva where we will start publishing series of videos soon. If you come across any unauthorized channels Gurutattva or Samarpan Meditation on YouTube or Facebook, please DM us. Here are the official social channels of Gurutatt...
Showing posts from April, 2021