The Shree Guru energies have organised the Shree Vishwa chakra Anushthan at the Rajasthan Samarpan Ashram at Aradka, Ajmer. Any Medium of the Shree Guru Energies can organise such a practicum only once in his lifetime. During this process the Medium establishes his very subtle energies in a special place through the medium of his physical body. Here the Shree Guru-energies have created a 'yog' (union of right time and place) and established their energies in a golden Shree Chakra so that in future, the waves of consciousness of energy may spread all over the world from this place and any soul thirsting for spiritual progress may attain Self-realisation by visiting this place. The schedule for the establishment of energies is as follows: Date Time 28/10/17 Morn 8 to 9 29/10/17 Morn 8 to 10 30/10/17 Morn 8 to 11 31/10/17 ...