
If you don't have money you can borrow it and pretend to be rich.  If you yourself are not knowledgeable then you can gather information on a particular subject and pretend to be knowledgeable. But it is only the *spiritual state* about which you cannot put up a pretence.
In the modern times such machines have been developed using which a person's spiritual state can be known. Today, this has become so easy;  even then man does not know about his aura. Nobody even talks about this subject. It is necessary to create awareness about this subject among people. The need to understand this subject today is like never before, because it does not seem appropriate to enter the spiritual field without knowledge about the aura. It is said that jusf as you drink water after filtering it in the same way you must accept someone as a Guru only after knowing (testing) him well. One can know the spiritual state of a Guru from his 'Aura'.

Your own
Baba Swami

Attached: Aura photo
By living in society and meditating regularly you can see the change that comes about in the aura.


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