Unforgettable Chaitanya Mahotsav

This time the Chaitanya Mahotsav concluded in an unforgettable manner, I always feel that I should give a good programme; but nothing is in my hands - however well a mother cooks good food the child itself has to swallow it.
And children do not eat well till such time that they are really hungry. This time the luck was such that all hungry children had gathered together, these were the children who were spiritually hungry, and hence they left behind a big festival like Deepavali and had gathered here. This time sequentially and rhythmically every day they kept climbing each step of spirituality.
1.  On the first day, during the
       birthday celebration, Shree
       Ganesh appeared in the
       form of an elephant and the
       entire atmosphere filled with
       joy and positivity.
2. On the second day
      everybody got darshan of the
      aura. Everybody's chitta
      shifted from the *medium's*
     physical body to the subtle
3. On the third day everybody
     meditated by going above
     the seven chakras, and
     physical feeling was
     completely left behind.

I express my heartfelt thanks to all the pure souls with whose support such a good programme was made possible.

                    Your own
                        Baba Swami


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