
Showing posts from 2018


जीवन  में   कितनी  भी   प्रॉब्लेम   आने  दो  , जीवन  में  कितनी  भी      कठी नाइयाँ  आने  दो  आप   परमात्मा   को   प्रार्थना   करो - "हे   परमात्मा ,  मुझे   संतुलित   रख ,  मुझ...

Eighth day and completion of the Vishwachakra Anushthan

Today was the eighth and final day of the Vishwachakra Anushthan. The special thing that happened today was that the energy of the Auspicious Idol got very subtly connected with the subtle body existing in the Himalayas. Now the Auspicious Idol is directly connected to the Guru Energies and so one can communicate directly with the Guru Energies through the medium of prayer. Now the Auspicious Idol has also become a Medium. And when I communicated, I too offered a prayer that my sadhaks who have received such a divine body after many lifetimes which is suitable for receiving self-realisation and yet why don't they feel that they have received self-realisation? The Guru Energies explained the main reason for this is the inability to come out of their 'problems' and not meditating regularly. And the Guru Energies have given a simple way to help sadhaks come out of this state; and I too felt that this way was easy. Still, the success of this path also depends on 'sense o...

विश्वचक्र अनष्ठान का आठवा दिन और समापन

आज विश्वचक्र अनुष्ठान का आठवा व अंन्तीम दिवस था। आज की विषेष बात यह रही की श्री मंगल मुती् की उजाे से हिमालय स्थीत सुक्ष्म शरीर का अती सुक्ष्म रूप से संमन्ध स्थापीत हो गया...

Seventh day of the Vishwachakra Anushthan

Today, as soon as I came with a feeling of surrender, suddenly in a very subtle manner oneness was established between the Shree Gaadisthan and the Shree Yantra, and as soon as oneness was established with this place, from that very place with subtle feeling a connection was established with the Auspicious Idol above. And I saw my energy travelling from the root chakra to the crown chakra in the form of a very subtle energy, going into the sky and that energy remained established over there itself until the time oneness was established between the two. I could see everything from top to bottom and I felt that the universe was so huge and the earth was just a part of it, and  what is the status of one man on earth! Even then man spends his life living in the ignorance of "I". When I started making efforts to come down, a kind of storm got raised below, as if an earthquake had come in nature. For me to return, I had established my own hair on the ground, and it is only because...

विश्व चक्र अनुष्ठान का सातवा दिन

आज अनायास ही आते ही पुणे समपीेत भाव के साथ अतीसुक्ष्मरूम से श्री गादीस्थान के के श्री यंन्त्र के साथ समरसता स्थापीत कर ली और जब इस स्थान से समरसता स्थापीत होगयी तो वही से स...

स्वामीजी, आप हमें हमेशा कहते हैं कि हमारा चित्त आपके सूक्ष्म शरीर पर होना चाहिए, स्थूल शरीर पर नहीं | हमें कैसे पता चले कि हमारा चित्त आपके सूक्ष्म शरीर पर है ?

प्रश्न 41 - स्वामीजी, आप हमें हमेशा कहते हैं कि हमारा चित्त आपके सूक्ष्म शरीर पर होना चाहिए, स्थूल शरीर पर नहीं | हमें कैसे पता चले कि हमारा चित्त आपके सूक्ष्म शरीर पर है ? स्वामी...

ગુરુમંત્ર આત્મસાત્ કરવો એટલે શું?

પ્રશ્ન 27: ગુરુમંત્ર આત્મસાત્ કરવો એટલે શું? સ્વામીજી : ગુરુમંત્ર ફક્ત કેટલાક શબ્દોનો સમૂહ નથી, ગુરુમંત્ર તે પવિત્ર ગુરુઓના ત્યાગનો, તપસ્યાનો, સાધનાનો એક સજીવ સ્ત્રોત છે. ત...

सावधानियाँ....स्थूल शरीर के सान्निध्य में

प्रश्न 42 - स्वामीजी, आपने हमें समझाया कि आपके  स्थूल शरीर पर चित्त ज्यादा आता है  तो आपको तकलीफ होती है | तो हम कोशिश करेंगे  कि आपके स्थूल शरीर पर हमारा चित्त कम आए,  लेकिन हमने ...

Sixth day of the Vishwachakra Anushthan

Today's experience was that anyone can become a medium, all he has to become is empty - he will be in physical form but free from the physical form. Two such similar mediums in the form of the Auspicious Idol and the Shree Gaadisthan have been established here - which are in physical form yet free from physical influence. Both are empty, both are pure, hence supreme consciousness is flowing from both of them. Now, only the work of uniting them remains. Both have to be brought under a single flow. The medium is connected to both uniformly, only connecting both remains to be done. Whatever happens will happen suddenly, some events happen suddenly. All incidents do not have a 'doer', now I am waiting for the sudden event. Today I definitely felt that whatever that happens will be the first in the 'spiritual world' - this will be a spiritual revolution and that which happens will be with the vision of 800 years. It will definitely not be easy,  it is just necessary to ...

विश्व चक्र अनुष्ठान का छठा दिन

आज का अनुभव यह था की कोई भी माध्यम बन सकता है। बस वह रिक्त होना चाहीये वह हो तो स्थुल मे पर स्थुल से मुक्त हो। ऐसे ही दो माध्यम यहॉ  श्री मंगलमुती् और श्री गादी स्थान के रूप मे ...

હું રોજ મંત્રજાપ કરું છું, પરંતુ ધ્યાન કરવા માટે કેન્દ્રમાં નથી જઈ શકતી. મારા માટે શું ઉચિત છે, તે જણાવવાની કૃપા કરો.

પ્રશ્ન 27: હું રોજ મંત્રજાપ કરું છું, પરંતુ ધ્યાન કરવા માટે કેન્દ્રમાં નથી જઈ શકતી. મારા માટે શું ઉચિત છે, તે જણાવવાની કૃપા કરો. સ્વામીજી : જો આપ કોઈ ભગવાનના નામનો જાપ કરતા હો, જે ...

કુંડલિની શક્તિ શું છે? કુંડલિની શક્તિ કેવી રીતે જાગૃત થઈ શકે છે?

પ્રશ્ન 26: કુંડલિની શક્તિ શું છે? કુંડલિની શક્તિ કેવી રીતે જાગૃત થઈ શકે છે? સ્વામીજી : કુંડલિની શક્તિ આપણી અંદરની પ્રાણશક્તિ છે. ગર્ભમાં ભૃણ જ્યારે ત્રણ-ચાર મહિનાનો થાય છે ત્...

Experience of the fourth day of the Vishwachakra Anushthan

Today's experience was such that two mediums of supreme consciousness have been created over here. One is above - the Auspicious Idol, and the one below is the Shree Gaadisthan. Now, the difficult task of establishing oneness between these two remains to be done. I have not yet found the path as to how this will happen. This is an extremely important moment of my life, because I do not have any experience of this work. I also know that I won't be able to do it, it will happen suddenly but I don't know how. At present I am just participating in this process and moving ahead. A magnetic energy has been created in both these places, it is pulling me and keeping me adhered to it. Hours are passing by but it appears as if just a moment has passed by. Today's anushthan also began at 8am and continued past 3pm, but it appeared as if just a moment had elapsed. Lots of blessings to all of you.             Your own     ...

विश्वचक्र अनुष्ठान का चौथा दिवस का अनुभव

आज का अनुभव यह रहा की परमचैतन्य के दो माध्यम यहॉ निमाेण हो गये है।एक उपर है। श्री मंगल मुतीे और नीचे है।श्री गादीस्थान अब इन दोनो स्थानो मे समरसता स्थापीत करने का कठीण काय...

गहन ध्यान 2019

|| जय बाबा स्वामी ||          आदरणीय संचालकगण साधकगण          आप सभी को बताते हुए आनंद हो रहा है कि 13वा गहन ध्यान अनुष्ठान दिनांक 18 जनवरी 2019 से समर्पण आश्रम दांडी, नवसारी, गुजरात मे...

विश्वचक्र का चौथा दिन

किसी भी उजाे को स्थापीत होने मे तीन दिन का समय लगता है।शरीर से आत्मा तक का सफर भी तीन दिन का ही होता है। कल इस अनुष्ठान के तीन दिन पुणे हो गये।तो आज यह अनुभव हुआ की श्री मंगलमु...

ચક્ર શું છે?

પ્રશ્ન 25: ચક્ર શું છે? સ્વામીજી : મનુષ્યના શરીરમાં સાત ઉર્જાકેન્દ્ર હોય છે, જેને ચક્ર કહેવામાં આવે છે. આ ચક્ર શરીરની દૂષિત ઉર્જાને બહાર ફેંકી તાજી ઉર્જા ગ્રહણ કરતાં રહે છે. મન...

The 'Gaumukh' of Samarpan Meditation at Dandi Samarpan Ashram

Yesterday this Ashram completed 14 years. The (development) of this Ashram had begun 14 years ago. During these 14 years, the 'river (Ganges) of consciousness which emerged from this 'Gaumukh' is flowing all over the world'. Today, 22 countries are actually enjoying this flow of consciousness. On the holy occasion of 'Datta Jayanti' this world has got this new 'Guru's Place's. This video was circulated on the occasion of this holy festival, so that the whole world gets information about this place. You too should send this video to your friends, so that they too can come to know about this. You are very fortunate in that you have also enjoyed this 'consciousness'. But everyone is not as fortunate as you are, so promote this video to the maximum extent possible and take the benefit of this Guru-karya. Lots of blessings to all of you on this holy occasion.                 Your own      ...

Third Day's experience of the Vishwachakra Anushthan

Today, on the third day the experience was as if (the soul) was free from the bonds of the physical body, in exactly the same way as my physical body finds solitude in an uninhabited place. In that manner the physical body's aura develops and then it spreads out over several miles. This event takes place suddenly in a moment/flash; but to gather such a spread-out aura back into the physical body takes a lot of time. And the effect of this enormous spread-out aura is being experienced by those virtuous sadhaks who are around me, they too go into meditation effortlessly. I have used the word virtuous (punyavaan) after knowing/realising that without the good deeds of the previous birth it is not at all possible to come inside such a pure aura. Similarly, to go to the place of penance in the Himalayas too, a certain spiritual state is required, because once you get an entry in the place of spiritual practice then spiritual progress takes place effortlessly on it's own. A similar at...

विंश्वचक्र अनुष्ठान के तिसरे दिन का अनुभव

आज तिसरे दिन ऐसा अनुभव हुआ मानो शरीर के बंन्धन से जैसे ही वह मुक्त होती है। वैसे ही वह परमात्मा मय हो जाती है।ठीक वैसे ही जैसे ही मेरे शरीर को निजेन स्थान व एकांन्त मीलता है। ...

આભામંડળ શું હોય છે?

પ્રશ્ન 24: આભામંડળ શું હોય છે? સ્વામીજી : આભામંડળ અનેક રંગોથી બનેલો એક શક્તિપૂંજ છે, જે આપના શરીરની ચારેય તરફ હોય છે. જેમ ઈંડામાં પક્ષીનું બચ્ચું હોય છે, બરાબર તે જ રીતે તેની અંદ...

विश्वचक्र अनुष्ठान

आज दांन्डी आश्रम मे श्री गादी स्थान मे श्री विश्वचक्र अनुष्ठान सुबह 8 बजे प्रांरभ हुआ और दोपहर12 बजे तक सपन्न हुआ । जैसे जैसे अनुष्ठान आगे बढ रहा है। वैसे वैसे श्री गुरूशक्त...

आत्मा के लिए शरीर एक वस्त्र के समान

एक बार किसी शरीर को आत्मा ने छोड़ा तो छोड़ा, बाद में लौटकर उस शरीर में वापस आने का तो प्रश्न ही नहीं उठता। शरीर क्षणभंगुर है, शरीर नाशवान है , अस्थाई है। उसे कभी भी दूसरा जन्म नहीं ...

जीवंत सद्गुरु

जीवंत सद्गुरु से जुड़कर , वास्तव में , हम जीवंत शक्तियों के साथ जुड़ जाएँगे। और जीवंत शक्तियाँ आज की होती है,  इसलिए आज के अनुसार ही होती है। इसी कारण उनके साथ हमारा जीवन एक प्रव...

नवकार मंत्र

"  मनुष्य के जीवन में कभी-कभी भूत, प्रेत और पिशाच का भी डर होता है।और ये भी मनुष्य को जीवन में  अलग-अलग तरीकों से तंग करते हैं।इस प्रकार की ,भूत प्रेतों और पिशाचों  की तकलीफों स...

જો અમે સમર્પણ મેડીટેશન કરીએ તો શું અમે પોતાના ધર્મનું પાલન કરી શકીએ છીએ? તેની ધાર્મિક ક્રિયાઓ કરી શકીએ છીએ?

પ્રશ્ન 21: જો અમે સમર્પણ મેડીટેશન કરીએ તો શું અમે પોતાના ધર્મનું પાલન કરી શકીએ છીએ? તેની ધાર્મિક ક્રિયાઓ કરી શકીએ છીએ? સ્વામીજી : હું જ્યારે દારૂ પીવા માટે મનાઈ નથી કરતો તો આપન...