Seventh day of the Vishwachakra Anushthan

Today, as soon as I came with a feeling of surrender, suddenly in a very subtle manner oneness was established between the Shree Gaadisthan and the Shree Yantra, and as soon as oneness was established with this place, from that very place with subtle feeling a connection was established with the Auspicious Idol above. And I saw my energy travelling from the root chakra to the crown chakra in the form of a very subtle energy, going into the sky and that energy remained established over there itself until the time oneness was established between the two. I could see everything from top to bottom and I felt that the universe was so huge and the earth was just a part of it, and  what is the status of one man on earth! Even then man spends his life living in the ignorance of "I".
When I started making efforts to come down, a kind of storm got raised below, as if an earthquake had come in nature. For me to return, I had established my own hair on the ground, and it is only because of that, that it was possible for my energy to return to my body. But the oneness which had to be established between both the places, has happened. Today's Anushthan started at 8am and continued till after 5pm.
Lots of blessings to all of you.

    Your own
Baba Swami
Samarpan Ashram Dandi Gujarat


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